Thursday, July 31, 2014

Samantha- Stevie Nicks + Rockabilly

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Jeans- Bliss and Mischief Shadows of Mountains Denim
Jacket- Christopher Kane Leather Crackle Jacket (similar here)
T-shirt- Isabel Marant for H&M (similar here)
Bag- Ines Figaredo Senses Bag
Bow- Hairbow  (similar click here)
Belt- Rodarte Studded Belt
Sunglasses- Ray-Ban
Shoes- Junya Watanabe (similar click here)

The Look: Stevie Nicks + Rockabilly

Fun Fact: There's something really fabulous about a black satin hair bow. It's the perfect hair accessory when it's hot and humid and your hair is going crazzzzzy! I'm obsessed with my Bliss and Mischief embroidered jeans and haven't taken them off!

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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Cailli- Hippy + Chic

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Jacket- All Saints Hind Jacket
Jeans- Bliss and Mischief embroidered jeans
Hat- David Cohen
Sunnies- H&M sunnies
Top- H&M ice cream top
Bracelet- Kelly Wearstler lip cuff
Shoes- Ivy Kirzhner
Bag- Chanel bag

The Look: Hippy + Chic

Fun Fact: We are so obsessed with Bliss and Mischief jeans! Hillary Justin is the designer, and the also cutest person ever! We visited her gorgeous studio in L.A where she creates the most beautiful pieces like embroidered army jackets, jeans shirts and more. She also has the biggest cactus I have ever seen! She finds the perfect pair of vintage jeans and custom makes them for you with hand made embroidery. It's impossible not to fall in love with them at first glance! Her jeans are special and the craftsmanship is so perfect and chic. These jeans are our new obsession and we can't get enough!
To custom order them just check out Bliss and Mischief and email Hillary and she can make you a pair! Also, I'm in love with my new favorite jacket- my All Saints suede Hind jacket! It's so soft and goes perfect with jeans :)  Pin It Now!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Cailli- Sequin + Rock

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Dress- Sequin Happiness Dress
Jacket- Kye Jacket
Bag- Ines Figaredo Senses Bag
Bandana- Vintage bandana
Sunnies- Ray-Bans Wayfarer
Shoes- DKNY shoes

The Look: Sequin +Rock

Fun Fact: I wore my sequin Happiness dress that has with handmade patches on it. We always wear Happiness sweatpants (they are our favourite!)... And now their dresses are off the charts amazing! My Ines Figaredo bag named Elvis is like my little baby! Everyone always stops me and asks me about baby Elvis! lol

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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Sam- Western + Punk

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Top- Isabel Marant (similar here)
Skirt- Proenza Schouler
Earrings- Pamela Love
Boots- Junya Watanabe (similar here)
Sunglasses- Ray-Ban
Bag- Ines Figaredo

The Look: Western + Punk

Fun Fact: I am completely obsessed with my new Ines Figaredo Senses Bag! I named her Smurfette because of her gorgeous blue eyes, blue leather body and she's like a lil' friend that I wear. My fav' part of the bag is her eyes. It's like you can see right into her soul--I swear, her eyes are so realistic, it stops people dead in their tracks!!! I 'm not making it up! haha.. Smurfette and I went to the Getty Villa in Malibu and saw gorgeous ancient ruins and walked around the beautiful estate! It was a spectacular summer day!

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Friday, July 18, 2014

Cailli- Rocker + Punky Eleganza

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Top- Club Monaco Blouse
Tie- Chanel Bow tie
Pants- H&M jeans
Belt- Isabel Marant
Bag- Vintage Furby from Etsy
Shoes- Saint Laurent from Neiman Marcus

The Look: Rocker + Punky Eleganza

Fun Fact: Punky Eleganza might be my new favorite word! lol! That's how described Saint Laurent's rocker chic collection for Spring 2014! So obsessed with how Rock N' Roll that collection is! But my favorite new accessory this summer is this Chanel tie from the Pre Fall Dallas Collection... it is everything! I love how it is a short tie and looks like two ties in one.

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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Cailli- Hawk + 80's

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Top- Poppy Lissiman
Shorts- Plastic Alexander McQueen shorts (wearing black lace shorts underneath)
Bag- Marni
Sunnies- Ray-bans
Shoes- Joshua Sanders Red lips double sole shoes

The Look: Hawk + 80's

Fun Fact: I couldn't figure out how to do my hair today and thought of that Miu Miu campaign from a while back with Hayley Steinfeld eating pizza. I just twisted it back with a few bobby pins and voila... instant pinup hair. But I think the key is to side part it and make the twists uneven on both sides. I love my new flat form heart shoes from Joshua Sanders! They rock! The best shoes for the summer :)

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