What you need:
DMC Tea-dyed Linen fabric (its really soft beautiful linen)
Acrylic Paints Paintbrushes
DMC Embroidery Thread
White Thread for hand sewing
Hand Sewing Needles
Black Felt tip Marker
Stuffing for the inside of the pillow
Velvet Fabric (we picked up for the back of the pillow) but you could technically use the Linen.
1.So, this whole dog pillow project is all about having fun and being free while painting. Make sure to let loose and don't worry about going outside of the lines when painting. 'We free-handed this with a black felt top marker and painted Marni's face with paint.
2. Cut half an inch around the face of the pillow. This will be the front of the pillow and the extra seam allowance will help you sew it together.
3. We took the DMC Embroidery thread and highlighted her fur by making it look 3D. We also gave Marni black eyelashes and basted in black around her whole face
4. Now cut the back of the fabric. We took the velvet and cut the back of the fabric by just tracing the face with the velvet facing flat on the table. You want two of the same shapes for the head.
5. We hand stitched the front and back pieces together. Hand stitch the two right sides together with little tiny stitches. Leave some room at the the top of the pillow to flip it inside out. Once the pillow is flipped inside out, you can then stuff it with the pillow stuffing.
6. Then you can finish up by sewing the last ear up and adding on those whiskers!