Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Cailli- 80's + 90's Patches + DIY

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The Look: 80's + 90's + Patches +DIY

  Fun Fact: I started this DIY as one of the things I check off my bucket list. It was to create a bomber jacket and a pair of jeans filled with my favourite patches from the 80's and 90's and it didn't matter how long it took to create. It took two years!!! Ahhhh! And I don't think I will ever be finished because the back and the sleeves of the jacket still needs some. It sounds insane because I didn't want the pressure of just buying a bunch of patches and throwing them on to fill up the jacket and jeans. I wanted it to mean something. I wanted to collect the patches slowly and figure out certain patches that are super hard to get and hunt them down on the Internet.
For example, the Nintendo controller patch is super hard to find and I had wait for another one to come up because I was in a bidding war on EBay and lost! Hahaha! Also, the Mario Brother patch.. but Mario as a racoon, is a difficult one too! But by far, the hardest one to find was the Archie comics circle patch and the Ghostbusters vehicle. So waiting for patches to pop up again and deciding the placement of them on the jacket and jeans, was the hardest part. I even created my own trolls for the jacket. I found vintage plastic troll faces from the 60's on Etsy and then added/sewed faux fur for their hair on the jacket. This is because troll patches don't exist. Or I have never seen them. I also found a bunch of patches at the flea market and my friends and designer friends started collecting them and making them and sending them to me as well because they knew about my on going project. The hand sewing also takes forever! (And a lot of screams from pricking myself). A ton of them started as iron-on's but what happend is, since a lot of the patches are old and vintage, the glue isn't as great as it used to be. So, I end up sewing them on, which is a challenge in itself, because these patches have a mind of their own! lol! So, even though I am technically still collecting patches..., this DIY is pretty much finished! YAHOOO!!!
I hope it's inspiring and hope that everyone tries to make one. They are super fun.. just don't limit yourself on time!

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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Coach Spring 2016

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Orange Side Opening Floral Coach Blouse
Floral Quilted leather vest
Blue Saddle bag 23 (I diy-ed it with Marge Simpson)

Applique Black leather biker vest
Floral Long front placket dress
Yellow Dinky Crossbody bag

The Look: Florals served with some Baddassery

Fun Fact: Once again Stuart Vevers killed it this season with the new Coach Spring 2016 Collection! We are soooo obsessed! The surf vests mixed with some micro mini flowers and leather. It's so delicate and beautiful but it is also super edgy and rock. So what did we do... we added even more color and patterns. Because... flowers, plaid and tiaras all go together, total 90's! This collection is our ultimate favorite. Make sure to check it out here, at the stores or online! P.S. They also have amazing charms! We hung the gold dinosaur charm off the zipper pull on the leather vest!

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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Sam- Moschino Capsule + #itslit

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Coat- Isabel Marant (similar here)
Sweater- Moschino (similar herehere and here)
Jeans- H&M (similar here)
Bag- Moschino (similar here)
Sunglasses- Anna-Karin Karlsson
Necklace- Vintage choker (similar here)
Shoes- Vetements 
Hat- Vintage from Paris Flea Market

The Look: Moschino Capsule + #itslit

Fun Fact: I LOVE the Moschino Fall 2016 Capsule Collection #itslit It's an incredible, sizzlin' hot collection designed and dreamt up by our awesome friend Jeremy Scott! The matchstick tote is such a rad design. I love the hidden matchsticks under the front flap of the bag... and of course the glitter strike strip! It's still winter here in Toronto with snow and salt everywhere and this has been my go to outfit: a military jacket, white sunglasses and something Moschino!

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