Monday, December 26, 2016

Coach Pre Spring 2017!

Fringe, Cars, Plaid and Studs!!! These are a few of our favourite things! Thew new Coach Pre Spring 2017 is out of this world amazing! The collection is so bad ass and gorgeous! We also love the Rexy dinosaur charms and their newest bags!  photo Beckerman Blog- Beckerman Girls- Coach Pre Spring 2017_zpsxj1lbs5m.jpg  photo Beckerman Blog- Beckerman Girls-Coach Pre Spring 2017_zpssxjdiu25.jpg  photo beckermansxcoach-Coach Pre Spring 2017-8_zpse3qzpztw.jpg  photo Beckerman Girls- Beckerman Blog- Coach Pre Spring 2017-5_zpsfms3qylb.jpg  photo beckerman blog-beckerman Pre Spring 2017- 4_zpsjlgjfqiq.jpg  photo beckerman girls- Beckerman Blog- Coach Pre Spring 2017-6_zpsvfe3ah8j.jpg  photo Beckerman Blog- Coach Pre Spring 2017-7_zpsmf9x00og.jpg  photo Beckerman Girls-BeckermanBlog- Coach Pre Spring 2017-2_zpsbtuptqsg.jpg

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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Sam- Panda Nation!

 photo sambeckerman-sam-nicopanda-panda-beckermanblog_zpsbgcyhdou.jpg  photo samanthabeckerman-bloggers-streetstyle-nicolaformichetti_zps9hv2vbcb.jpg  photo pandanationhoodedsweatshirt-beckerman-sisters-beckermanblog-_zpskw4wia91.jpg  photo nicopandanationsweatpants-nicolaformichetti-vase shoes- vaselightupshoes-beckermans-beckermangirls-beckermanblog_zpsjhubjzyy.jpg  photo nicopanda-sambeckerman-blogger-canada_zpslywo5ith.jpg  photo nicopanda-minimebackpack-toronto-sisters-beckermanblog-canada-blogger_zpsthqe0vid.jpg  photo vaseshoes-nicopanda-panda-backpack_zps2ydldyj6.jpg

Sweatshirt- NicoPanda Nation Hooded Sweatshirt
Sweatpant- NicoPanda Panda Nation Sweatpants
Backpack- NicoPanda Mini Me Backpack
Shoes- ShopVase Light ups

The Look: Panda Nation

Fun Fact: Our friend Nicola Formichetti made this incredibly badass NicoPanda sweatsuit! Cailli has a matching one in white :)  I love travelling in it and how soft it is inside. The bag is also Nico Panda and we traveled with it to Salzburg. It's my favourite mini knapsack and I love how colourful it is and how it has metal corners. I got these glow up VASE shoes at Art Basel in Miami last weekend. Everyone was wearing them at Basel and they have light up and alternate between red and green! So ready for Christmas!

Shop the Look:

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