Thursday, December 13, 2018

Dear Santa!

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The Look: Dear Santa!

Fun Fact: Welcome to the family Dolly! We just got a baby Pomeranian and we named her Dolly P! (Dolly Parton) She is now four months and has grown this last month from 1.5 lb's to 2.3! She is still growing but she is such a happy little girl! So excited to have her! She is a bundle of joy! We got her from a friend who couldn't take care of her. She had an older pomeranian and the puppy (Dolly) was aggravating her older dog's heart murmur with all her puppy energy. So she asked us if we knew of anyone who would want Dolly. We immediately knew that we needed this little girl in our life. It feels like we sat down and wrote Santa a letter....and it would go something like this.
"Dear Santa,
I would like a Pomeranian for Christmas/Chanukah who gives endless kisses and wants to play all day! xo Cailli and Sam"
It was a dream come true! We are soooo happy! Also, loooooving these Philosophy sweaters by Lorenzo Serafini! They say..."Dear Santa" on the front and "Ive been Naughty" on the back! They have shoulder pads in them and are super obsessive and soft!
Our shoes are OFF White x Nike Vapor Fly Fuchsia kicks! We LOVE the fuchsia colour!!!! OMG!!!!!! from OFF White Toronto!

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