Friday, October 11, 2019

London Fog x Jeremy Scott

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Okay Okay Okay... Hold the Phone... or at least put it on speaker phone and scream out loud... THE NEW LONDON FOG x JEREMY SCOTT Collection is Here!!!!

These jackets just got released and we are OBSESSSSSSSED!!!!! We are love the 80's graffiti on the front that says "LONDON" and the Back lapel says "NYC" in graffiti. It's street, its skate, and you could literally wear it to grab a coffee with sweatpants and some timbz and it looks cool! It's the sickest trench coat in the game! Jeremy, you did it again!!!!!!!! Can't wait for the rest of the collection to drop!

The Look: London Fog x Jeremy Scott Get the Trench Coats on London Fog. We are wearing the size (medium) just for reference :) Pin It Now!

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Hieram Owl Hats

We are obsessed with our hand painted Owl hats by Hieram! Our friend and a well known artist in Toronto, Hieram is so awesome and an incredibly talented artist! He has some owl hats available in his online shop or you can commission him to paint on your already owned vintage hat. The new custom hats Hieram works with is Toronto bespoke house Coup De Tete and those hats are 100% handmade from all natural materials. Our hats were vintage and he painted a Barn Owl on Cailli's brown floppy hat and a Great Horned owl on Sam's green hat. He really captured the owls essence and beauty. It gave our vintage hat a new life! Click here to check them out! Photos by: Mack Kalishenko  photo beckermanblog-hieram owl hats-1_zpswqrwj5lw.jpg  photo beckermanblog-hieram owl hats-6_zpsygq8vc5p.jpg  photo beckermanblog-hieram owl hats-4_zpsz86wynik.jpg  photo beckermanblog-hieram owl hats-2_zpsm3xjcvtj.jpg  photo beckermanblog-hieram owl hats-5_zps7rh1dvit.jpg  photo beckermanblog-hieram owl hats-3_zpsowqxmlgm.jpg Pin It Now!

Friday, March 1, 2019

Dark and Stormy! OFF WHITE!

It was a dark and stormy day!(True Story! lol) It's been snowing like crazy in Toronto but we've been staying warm in our OFF White Puffers in this -15 degree temperatures! Photography by Mac Kalish
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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Coach Fall/Winter 2019 Fashion Show!

Neon green dinosaur sweaters, old school logo hip sacks, patchwork shearling jackets and studded rock n' roll Elvis heels are all so hella good... and sooooo Coach! In honour of the Coach fashion show today in New York, we are wearing all of our favourite pieces! The #CoachFW19 Fashion Runway Show is today at 2:00PM at the American Stock Exchange. Make sure to check to see the Live Stream to see what our good friend Stuart Vevers has dreamt up.
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Thursday, January 31, 2019


H&M collaborated with EYTYS! It's so 90's, bad ass and just perfect for right now!
The collection includes baggy cargo pants, chains that clip perfectly to belt loops, Utopia sweatshirts, snakeskin blouses and not to mention the iconic Eytys shoes and slides. OBSESSED! Also loving these white skate socks which read "this must be the place". Check out the collection here! Or at select H&M stores! (Our doggy Dolly made a cameo too! woof!)

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