Okay Okay Okay... Hold the Phone... or at least put it on speaker phone and scream out loud... THE NEW LONDON FOG x JEREMY SCOTT Collection is Here!!!!
These jackets just got released and we are OBSESSSSSSSED!!!!! We are love the 80's graffiti on the front that says "LONDON" and the Back lapel says "NYC" in graffiti. It's street, its skate, and you could literally wear it to grab a coffee with sweatpants and some timbz and it looks cool! It's the sickest trench coat in the game! Jeremy, you did it again!!!!!!!! Can't wait for the rest of the collection to drop!
The Look: London Fog x Jeremy Scott Get the Trench Coats on London Fog. We are wearing the size (medium) just for reference :) Pin It Now!