Friday, May 31, 2024

Toronto Magic!

It's those Yorkville Days! Runnin' around the city! Lately, we've been really in to baggy pants and stripes. Harry Potter/Miu Miu vibes and rockin' some vintage (like usual) with some relaxed khaki's or baggy pants.  It's a little prep mixed with that summer vibe but it's not quite summer yet here in Toronto. Some days are super hot and lately its been a bit chilly. Hope you are all enjoying that sunshine!
Cailli- Vintage Benetton sweatshirt, vintage Dior bag, Gucci Khakis, Ray Bans, Gallery Department x Uggs 
Sam- Dust of Gods Raptors hat and pink bag, Zara Barbie top, Louis Vuitton pants, Adidas Sambas
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