Friday, August 29, 2014

Sam- Punk + Red

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Top- Buddhist Punk
Pants- Buddhist Punk
Sunnies- Ray-Ban
Necklace- Chanel
Bag- Prada
Shoes- Peace Love Shea x Steve Madden
Lipstick- Nars Dragon Girl

The Look: Buddhist Punk + Red

Fun Fact: Buddhist Punk clothing is from London/LA/Bali and their clothes rock our world! I can't get over how the whole sweatsuit is embroidered and its' sooo badass. Our good friend Shea just collaborated with Steve Madden and her lace up heels are sooo sexy and comfy! We are gearing up and getting ready for NYFW for next week! Can't wait for all the Spring 2015 fashion shows! Pin It Now!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Cailli- Patches and Happiness

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Sweatshirt- Happiness Sweatshirt
Sweatpants- Happiness Sweatpants
Necklace- Marni for HM white flower necklace
Necklace- Chanel Pearl Necklace
Bag- Blue Prada faux fur bag
Earrings- Luv AJ The Petite Punk Curved Earring in Gold
Boots- Junya Watanabe Cowboy boots
Beckermandog- Marni!

The Look: Patches + Happiness

Fun Fact: Marni and I were hanging at the park today and realized we were wearing a very similar outfits! lol! As you know we are obsessed with Happiness sweats and their new collection is sooooo cool with all these handmade patches! Also, we can't get enough of Luv AJ earrings. These punk earrings are off the chart cool! Pin It Now!

Monday, August 18, 2014


Bright lights, Big city...Empire State of Mind! We love DKNY's MYNY new perfume. We are obsessed with New York and lived there for 10 years. Once you hit a ten year mark, you officially become a New Yorker! lol! NY is filled with personality, creativity and excitement. You never know what's going to happen because the city is pumping with excitement and energy. We found our dog Cubby wandering in NY and a complete stranger gave him to us. The owner, who we later found, said her boyfriend bought her Cubby and she had too many men in her life. Dreams do come true because we were looking to adopt that week! It was definitely a New York moment! The fragrance smells like sexy raspberries spiked with accents of Pink Pepper. It's fruity and floral with a bit of spice. Check it out here. You can build your own #MYNY heart like we did below on August 19th! It collects all of your special moments in NY and creates a heart just for you. Everyone has a NY story. Share yours at We are obsessed with its heart shaped bottle, with it's metallic skyline cap. We used to live right across from the Empire State building. So every time we use DKNY MYNY, it reminds us of a fragrance that could only be New York.

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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Sam- Sweet Tooth + Candy

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Jacket- Lazy B Club (similar here)
Jumper- Lazy B Club
Sunnies- D&G (similar here)
Bag- Vintage Cabbage Patch
Shoes- Sea of Shoes for Shoemint
Mickey Hands- From Disneyland or here
Phone Case- Moschino

The Look: Sweet Tooth + Candy

Fun Fact: This jumper and matching jacket got me...doughnuts, bonbons, lollipops and all with lil' angry faces! It's as cute and badass as can be. Lazy B Club, from Thailand designed these limited edition pieces that can be found in their Etsy Shop!

Get the Look:

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Thursday, August 7, 2014

September Issue for Flare Magazine

We are obsessed with Ashish and all things '90s! In our column in the September Issue of FLARE, it's all about crimped hair, mix tapes and glittery sweatsuits, which we take for a test drive at Canada's Wonderland! To see our Flare video, go to and check out some behind-the-scene pics below. Pump up the Volume!
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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

H&M Osheaga Music Festival 2014 and DIY

We went with H&M to the 3 Day Osheaga Music Festival in Montreal and had the time of our lives! We helped host the DIY H&M craft tent that ended up being the best part of the festival! When we arrived in Montreal on Thursday night, we headed straight to the opening party at H&M. HAIM kicked off Osheaga and were dj-ing the night before the festival started. We danced up a storm and had the best time with the HAIM, the H&M team and the awesome Montreal bloggers! The next morning, we woke up all excited for the first day of Osheaga! When we got to Parc Jean- Drapeau, the H&M tent was covered in glowing umbrella's hanging from the trees. It was inspiring, creative and concert-goers were lined up and waiting to get inside!

Inside the tent, it was air-conditioned and packed with people crafting everything from t-shirts to body paint to putting painted stencils on jackets and gems on faces. We created four DIY pieces that hung in the tent that were painted, bedazzled and studded. There was the most unbelievable craft table overflowing with craft supplies, while the DJ was spinning some amazing hip hop tunes. If you look at the pics below, we managed to take a pic of the tent before anyone came in... and when you look at the tent three days later, the walls and tables were DIY-ed. Everyone was DIY-ing on everything!The happy and creative vibe was infectious and we were dancing and glueing gems on our faces in the tent! There was even a video camera that turned a 7 second crazy video moment in to a mini flip book, as a memento! We made four of them.. it was so much fun!

While in between hanging at the DIY tent, we saw Lorde, Outkast, HAIM, Kodaline, Jack White, HAIM, J.Cole, Chromeo, Awolnation, Arctic Monkeys, CHVRCHES, Foster the People, Childish Gambino, Lykke Li, Lorde and the Sam Roberts Band perform. Outkast celebrated their 20th Anniversary and they sang one of our all time fav' songs, "Hey YA" that we rocked out too!

In the mornings, we headed down to Old Montreal and ate at some yummy restaurants and checked out some great stores. We even had time to pop in to one of our fav' vintage stores called The Little Shop and tried on her vintage Stratford costumes and had a blast dressing up! This year, the H&M Osheaga experience was EPIC with a crazy amazing memories and one heck of an amazing DIY tent! The tent bonded friends together and made everyone feel part of the festival life. We can't wait for next year!

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