Monday, May 3, 2021

Vintage Dior!

The Look: Vintage Dior Rasta Vibes and Vintage Dior Speedway Vibes! 

Fun Fact: Let's just vibe! We're really feeling vintage again and can't get enough of these vintage Dior Looks! Vintage is definitely having a resurgence! We're not sure if its because the pandemic has made everybody clean their closets and re wear their old pieces again and collect it too!.. but we are here for it! We love it because we're all about sustainability and re-wearing pieces and making them new again as well as collecting special vintage pieces. So heres to a little vintage Dior moment! The storm was approaching and we took these pics really quick before it poured :) 

Vintage Dior Rasta pants from El Cycer Vintage 
Daisy necklaces- Dolorous Jewellery Daisy Necklace

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