Thursday, March 17, 2011

Samantha- Madmen + Turban

Coat- Vintage Yves Saint Laurent coat from Housing Works store in NYC
Top (under coat)- Grey jersey top by Tommy Hilfiger at the Tommy Hilfiger store in Toronto
Pin on jacket- Vintage baby blue feather pin was a gift from Danielle :)
Headband- Prada Spring 2007 yellow turban headband from Prada store in Toronto
Sunglasses- Vintage sunnies from Chelsea Flea Market in NYC
Pants- Leather H&M pants from H&M store in Toronto
Bag- Prada Spring 2004 bag from Prada store in Toronto
Rings- Vintage Art Deco and Cameo rings from Grandmother
Shoes- Browns oxfords from Brown's shoe store in Toronto

The Look: Madmen + Turban

Fun Fact: These cameo rings and Art Deco ring are from our grandmother :) I think she got them in the 60's! Happy Saint Patty's Day! Pin It Now!


Mxx said...

Incredible. Awesome. Love it all!

Collections said...

Love your turban. Gorgeous.

Leya said...

cute bag!! =D

ilikestuff said...

First off, I'm jealous you got your hands on some H&M leather. I've seen them all over blogs, but never in any US stores. I has a sad :(

Secondly, that Prada turban is so NOW. Weird, I completely forgot it was from 2007. Doesn't that count as vintage nowadays?!

| l e n e r d | said...


Anonymous said...

again what a fashion paradox. i love the black and white and the fact that there are different patterns. the outfit is actually pretty 'simple': just a leather pants and a T-shirt. but you always manage to make it look exiting, it is never dull and always interesting to look at. i love the shoes, not only the black and white, but also the texture. the coat is sublime and i love the brooch. so fun. the bag is so colorful and fabulous combined with the headband. but of course, the cameo rings are the best. love the green color, and love the fact that they were your grandmothers. so rock and rolla with a color splash. love it as always.

Anonymous said...

Love your coat so much!

mispapelicos said...

My dear Samantha, I love the whole ensemble so much, but those shoes are to die for, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Loving your bag.
Much love.

Katherine said...

Love those brogues! Or are they called spectator shoes? Either way they are awesome!
La Petite Marmoset

Beckerman Girls said...

I think they are spectator shoes!!! GOOOD CALL!
xoBeckerman Girls

✗✗ said...

I LOVE the turban headband! SO CUTE!! I have been meaning to buy one.

kim said...

sweet coat :)

clothes are cute

rock fabric scissors said...

Love the whole look - the leather pants with the shoes, the rings especially! Would have loved to see the coat buttoned up in one pic tho just to see a slim fit.

The Bohemienne said...

That Prada bag is fabulous.

Skinny Hipster... said...