Jacket- Rag and Bone Varsity Jacket from Loehmann's in L.A
Dress- Vintage from Rosebowl Flea Market in L.A
Sunglasses- Ray-Ban sunnies gifted from Ray-Ban
Earrings- Tom Binns safety pin earrings from store in Boston, MA
Shoes- Prada shoes from Holt Renfrew in Toronto
Bag- Louis Vuitton bag from Louis Vuitton store in L.A
The Look: Varsity + Betty from the Archie Comics
Fun Fact: I feel like Betty today from the Archie Comics. Can you believe he actually asks Veronica to marry him,? And they got married and Veronica got pregnant with twins, and there was a huge backlash from all the Betty Cooper fans! So even though Archie was already married, they made him also marry Betty and live happily ever after. After all these years of reading Archie comics, and this is what it's come too? Just to catch all of you up! Gasssp! PShhhaw!!! By the way, I got this Rag and Bone varsity jacket at Loehmann's in L.A over the weekend and they just got the hugest shipment of Rag and Bone! YAY!
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