Friday, July 30, 2010

Lights On, Lights Off...Chanel Lightbulb Shoes!

These Chanel lightbulb shoes are a Beckerman favourite! So, here's the question of the day... What do you do if your Chanel light bulb burns out and refuses to turn on? First, you can freak out a little! And then... you call in an amazing electrician!!!! We were so stumped when one of our Chanel shoes wouldn't turn on. We thought that they would be easy to fix, but when we couldn't figure it out, our electrician Vladmir took them home with him to study them. He worked on them for 8 hours straight! He also had to drive two hours out of Toronto to go to this specific lightbulb store to find the correct bulb because Chanel used a hard to find light bulb. Vladmir had to completely re-wire them and he miraculously did it!! He's our HERO!!! They are back and they are shining brighter then ever!! Pin It Now!


Sharon said...

OMG, if they were not so clunky-heeled, those shoes would be outrageous to wear to dance tango!

Alexandra said...

These are all sorts of amazing. Up there with the Balenciaga colour blocks for sure haha.

Love Alexandra

xxyy said...

lol, those shoes can be very useful at night! xx

Kari said...

Those shoes are amazing :)

x x said...

great post.
that's art.
Nicola freshONpr

Unknown said...

Those shoe are INSANE! I love love love them, but my god, I would be so scared of breaking them hahah. Panda xx
Ps, Thanks for the lovely comment!

Rohini said...

Wow, those are insanely cool but I seriously doubt I'd ever wear them. Xx

Becky Tjandera said...

What a shoes ! Love love ! Glad it works again now :D

Anonymous said...

that´s cool!

Copious Couture said...

That's so funny!!!!!! Those shoes are awesome!


Anonymous said...

Those are so amazing :)

Lee Oliveira said...

Oh well. what can i say about Chanel..
It's just another amazing creation of Karl.

Jade Purple Brown said...

those are ah-mazing!!!!

jemina said...

WOW, those shoes are da BOMB!!! I'm so glad Vladmir got them fixed :)), and btw, you girls ROCK!!! wishing all of you lovelies the most FABULOUS weekend, LOVE LOVE LOVE, xoxo

vdcouture said...

this is my first time visiting your blog, and this blog is just amazing, super cool, and that heels are super gorgeous <3 genius!!!


Anonymous said...

...shoe fiasco averted by heroic so brilliant of you girls to call an electrician to fix shoes...what a good man and friend and talented electrician your Vladimir comic story board in the with it...perhaps in your lighted heels! this

FashionCommited said...

I love those there so amazing!

Desiree said...

Insane shoes but you'd think Chanel would have packed spare bulbs?;)

Eranda Janku said...

so inovative !
thanks for the comment!
i'm deffo. following you

Valerie Friedrich said...

So futuristic!!!

Thanks for the nice compliment yesterday! My BFF and I love love your Blog too! I added you to my Roll.

XOXO Valerie

Heather said...

This is the best post ever. "My shoes won't turn on!" Haha. Those are crazy awesome. And I bet they help if you end having to stumble around in the dark!

Yaary said...

wow..nice nice nice! and funny.

Unknown said...

those are amazing!!

Anonymous said...

First saw them on Luxirare and now you have it! Those shoes are amazinggggg! Glad you got them fixed! :)


northwest is best said...

Vladimir deserves a present, sounds like he went above and beyond!

Anonymous said...

I'm speechless!

ancien désir said...

wow it's amaizing, i want this heels, they'll see realy good in clon or on night

Abi said...

These are great shoes! Can't believe you had to call in an electrician who then had to travel out of town!

Glad to hear you girlies are from Toronto! Maybe I'll see you at the Vintage One sale. Have a lovely weekend. x

Anonymous said...

So amaziiiiing!
I like these!


Unknown said...

yay to vladimar for saving the day!


P.S. - I'd love it if you voted for your fave DIY blogger and I hope it's FVNCY!

louise or valentine said...

im obsessed with those shoes!!

Hannah Brooke said...

thank you for the lovely, kind comment!! I like y'alls blog!

Gon said...

Who votes for Vladimir for electrician of the year? I do *raising hand*! =D Those Chanel shoes are acee!
And thanks for your sweet c i mean... i've been following your blog secretely for quite some time now so it's an honour!!

Big kiss girls,
Dimogonda blog

Elissa said...

What a cute clever idea!


Jessica Szeto said...

This is soo convenient! A pair of nightlight shoes much?

thanks for stopping by <3


Taryn said...

these shoes are seriously insane! you guys are so lucky to own a pair.

Chas said...

Wow, amazing shoes!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Amanda said...

totally awesome!

MargieF said...

do you reckon heavy people could wear them? wouldnt the glass break?? i would love light up shoes haha theyre pretty cool

miss annie said...

Wow,those shoes are so cool! Want to have them !
thanks for your comment!

Gilbert Ganda said...

hey girls!

you all are amazing!
just saw ur comments on my journey blog! I am not on that blog anymore, more on!

that chanel lightbulb heels are amazing!


sara l said...

those shoes rock!! handy in the dark and everything :D

DaisyLine said...

haha this shoes are like from outer space :D
have a nice day!
DaisyLine from

Agnes Beauty Corner said...

Cool shoes! Check out my blog! I'm writing about tips about London, it's definetly worth to read!

Lexy said...

AH! Love this--Too cute!

Love the blog sooo much..



Phuong said...

those shoes are great!!

Unknown said...

woooooww i love these shoes!
very futuristic!


Anonymous said...

wow! aside from these shoes being amazing, i don't think i'd be able to put up with so much maintenance...glad you guys were able to get them fixed though b/c they're rockin!!

thanks for stopping by...and yes, that was an awesome fountain, i was so jealous of the kiddies in their bathing suits playing in it...

Style Realist said...

wow! aside from these shoes being amazing, i don't think i'd be able to put up with so much maintenance...glad you guys were able to get them fixed though b/c they're rockin!!

thanks for stopping by...and yes, that was an awesome fountain, i was so jealous of the kiddies in their bathing suits playing in it...

sally said...

those are freaking amazing. soooo amazing.

z said...

The INFAMOUS Chanel lightups. Hehe, they're something alright

Closet Fashionista said...

Those are so cool! And weird, I never thought about the bulb not going off, haha XD

Christina said...

greeat shoes! wish they were mine :))

kayla marie said...

cool shoes!
visit my blog and let me know what you think :)
follow me if you like.

ryan said...

Wow. Chanel Lightbulb shoes are seriously insane. I would die to wear them in a club.

simone leblanc said...

amazing! nothing else to say!

Islandia Lane said...

you're kidding me! How awesome!

Anonymous said...

You guys have a cute blog! And those Chanel shoes are awesome. Very Chic, and functional when the powers out :)

My Louis Vuitton bag is actually a limited edition that my mom bought a couple years ago when she won the lottery, coincedentally in Toronto!

Thanks for stopping by, I'll definately bookmark this blog! :)

MADNESSmeForfashion said...

those stunning heels!!!

A BRIT GREEK said...

I had no idea Chanel did shoes like this!!! OMG!!!! Love em- what a cool trick if you're in da club eh?

Violet E. said...

awesome shoes!

Kara Endres said...

Wow, I didn't realize they really lit up. What a hassle to go through, but at least they work again!

heather said...

wow! those shoes are amazing! if they work for one night out of dancing, they are so worth it!!!

chloe said...

no WAY!!!
that is a great story to tell, i bet your electrician could amuse his friends for years with the tale of the shoe-lightbulb haha! x

Linda Lu said...

wow you guys have such a dedicated electrician! kudos to him