Jacket- Faux fur black jacket by Jacob from the Jacob store in Toronto
Pants- Striped H&M red and black pants from the H&M store in NYC
Necklace- Steven Anton Rehage leather and silver ring necklace from Holt Renfrew in Toronto
Sunglasses- Red Raybans from Sunglass Hut in NYC
Bag-Valentino fringe bag gifted from Godmum
Hat- Black felt hat from African collection at H&M store in LA
Gloves- Black leather Danier gloves from Danier store in Toronto
Shoes- Prada grommet shoes (borrowed from Caillianne) from Prada store in NYC
The Look: Where the Wild Things Are + Chanel Fall 2010
Fun Fact: I'm so into big black furry jackets because it reminds me of the Chanel Fall 2010 collection where almost every piece was faux fur and all the models looked like furry creatures!!! Karl Lagerfeld had flown in a REAL glacier (click here to see the pic) and had the models all wearing faux fur outfits and carrying ice cube handbags down the runway with the glacier as the background!!! It's very Nordic/Gorilla chic and I'm diggin' it!!! Pin It Now!
This whole outfit is amazing! You rock the jacket! I love the faux fur trend but I end up looking like an oversized gorilla, plus we are going into summer here!
Fun you are. Love the coat and the pants. Ok, pretty much the whole outfit is rad, AND the cool as fuck way you wear it. xo. -Bella Q
Hello girls! Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you girls enjoyed your day! Thanks for your comment by the way! I love these pics they're awesome!
the shoes are quite an ingenious surprise!
wow that's a fantastic outfit!!
Visit my blog
wowo! this fur coat is to die for! Oh and I love the hat as well! Your stye is just amazing and so unique!
Shades and hat! My fav :) M.
omg! this fur is to die for!!!
i realy love your last comment - so sweet! i'm curious what you think about my new post...and have you seen k come karolina on bloglovin, facebook and twitter?
xoxo from rome
thanks for your lovely coment, girls :)
xxx isabel
Wow, what a cool fur! Love the pants too!
Lookin fierce lady! Love a furry coat!
xx Vivian @ http://diamondsandtulle.blogspot.com
I instantly thought of the Chanel collection. They remained loyal to the decor from the presentation for the window displays as well, as you can see here: http://classiq.ro/vitrine-milano
Love the sunglasses!
This is such a good outfit!! And your inspiration is very interesting, 'where the wild things' are and Chanel fall are clearly seen! Again, good job!
this look is so CRAZY i love it!!! everythings wrong and it makes everything right. looks great and that coat is hot xx
this is beyond words
one of my favorite loooks from you guys!
best fur coat
i HAVE to buy one 4 myself this holidays!
andddd those exquisite Prada's!
love you more my sweet girls
btw the last post form your momma?
GOD those legs+shoes
you girls are the BESTTTT!
nice photos! i love your outfit a lot:D
I always wanted to wear a winter jacket but too bad I don't have any winter here in my place):
Hi hunnie...I dont even have enough words to say thank you for your post about my new blog design....it really means alot to me....I think you may have missed the post a few days ago of me explaining WHY I did it...http://www.statementsinfashion.net/2010/11/my-alexmy-dragonfly.html
I adore this coat....there arent enough words for that either:)
Thank you for always being so supportive of me.
Samantha you do look wildly beautiful.
I heart your shoessssssssssssssssss. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
waouuuuwwwww nordic gorilla chic....ha love this- the stripes the red raybans, the crazy yeti fur and the grommet shoes allllllll amazing....Karl was onto a winner with that glacier and the ice cube bags.....just wish i could see one in realll life. Hot stuff. Excited to see you all in your lanvin stuff! oooooh yeahhhh!Katie.xxx
fashion clocked
thank you for your sweet comment, new outfit post on my blog too :)
i love this look, so reminds me of the chanel a/w editiorials. maybe we can follow each other?
Great pics! Love your coat and your pants!
From Munich with love
Angie -> http://munichstylelover.blogspot.com
I love a furry coat! I have a vintage monkey fur: http://wendybrandes.com/blog/2010/01/kenneth-jay-lane-made-me-do-it/
I LOVE that furry jacket, yummeeeeeehhhh.... :)
AHHHHH!! Girls this is RAD. The jacket/sunnies/stripes and shoes combo = excellence....let's face it the jacket is a post in and of itself!! Showstoppah!
hey girl! that's from Jacob??? when did you get it??? I must have it! Please tell me you got it recently :p
let me knowww!
hahah that chanel collection was like a furry snowball dream! those full fur suits were INSANE!!!! can you imagine skiing down a hill with that? hahahah hilarrrrrrious!
woww samantha! that is quite the coat there(: love love love it
love always,
Love love love love the fringe bag- gorgeous!! Love the matching colours too.
that shoe, that shoe is a god gift!!
such a fun outfit!! i love how you've combined the two looks and made reference to them! so nice to visit your blog again girls, always looking fantastic and bold!
come stop by for a visit,
x Your Only Blackswan
thanks for your sweet coment,
I love the big fur coat!!!
amazing! <33
Your shoes are so interesting to look at!
this is seriously SO stylish. i really am looving the fur jacket, so chic. and thanks so much lovelies for visiting my blog! i'm now following yours :), if you'd like, you can follow mine too :). hope you're having a lovely weekend girls!
<3, Kathleen.
Ooooh such amazing shoes!
amazing as usual!!! i love that jacket - i need one!
I like your style!
maybe like mine too?
start dreaming on www.dreamingthedayawaywithluca.blogspot.com
great mix of patterns and the coat is so crazy good!
clothes are cute
What an amazing look! Edgy and wearable at the same time!
Kisses, Froso from Style Nirvana
Loving the whole look, but especially the striped pants and grommet-covered shoes. Samantha, you can make a coat from Jacob look like a million bucks!
just another great pair of shoes.
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