Pink Jacket- Vintage (no label) jacket from Value Village. I shortened it and it and made it have tails in the back
Leotard- Vintage beaded leotard from Value Village (originally from Cirque de Soleil)
Tights- Blue Fogal tights from Fogal store in NYC
Choker- Vintage (no label) from Manhattan Vintage Show in NYC
Belt- Vintage from Salvation Army in NYC
Leg warmers- Grey cashmere leg warmers from Leggs Beautiful in Toronto
Shoes- D&G from D&G Store in NYC
Wig- Pink wig from Halloween Spirit store in Toronto
Lace Fingerless gloves- From Halloween Spirit store in Toronto
Microphone- From Halloween Spirit store in Toronto
Earring- Pink cardboard star earring I made it
The Look: Jem + Halloween 2009
Fun Fact: Jem is my HERO!!! Her music, her hair... Obsessed!!! I was sooo excited to be JEM!!! The makeup ended up being really fun to do! I mixed red and white face makeup and when it dried it ended up going neon!! Lucky for me, it matched my hair! haha! But for the record... my eyebrows are still pink two days later! Ooops! Pin It Now!
Jem was my favorite too! Just seeing the first picture immediately brought the theme song to my mind-- fantastic!!
truly, truly outragous!!
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